Another sneak peek with Market Street Stamps

Hey friends.

It’s day 2 of the new release sneak peeks going on over at Market Street Stamps. It’s a fun week this week with sneak peeks of new stamp sets Monday through Wednesday and the stamp sets released for purchase on Thursday.
Also, for ONE WHOLE WEEK after that, new sets are 15% off individually or 25% off if you buy that month’s bundle (all sets in the release). Is that awesome or what?

PLUS, you have the chance to win a stamp set each sneak peek day by commenting, following Market Street Stamps on Twitter or Facebook, and sharing about the giveaway on your Facebook page or Twitter account. You can find all the details about the giveaway on the Market Street Stamps blog.

Today you get a look at a super cute new set called Night Owls. You are going to LOVE it!! Especially if you like owls. And coffee. Hehe!

Take a looksie!

Squeak! Isn’t that owl just the cutest ever? I love him/her! It’s so fun to paper piece with it and pick all kinds of fun designs you’d like your owl to wear. I’m diggin’ hounds tooth right now. And purple, which is kind of strange since purple isn’t usually a color I really go for.

There he/she is in all his/her purple hounds tooth glory! Hee!

I went for a little bit of an artsy vibe this time and used misting on both my cards. The mist didn’t quite work the way I wanted on this next card, but it is what it is. Just wasn’t quite what I had in mind.

I also used the Vintage Notepad background stamp on this card to kind of fill in some of that yellow.

I adore these new stamps and I hope you like them too! There’s a lot more to this set. Some fantastic sentiments and more fun images. Be sure to check back for the full reveal on Thursday night.

Thanks so much for joining me tonight!!

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6 thoughts on “Another sneak peek with Market Street Stamps

  1. Sarah Jay says:

    I love the purple splatter on the first card. And isn’t mist just a bugger to control? There are usually two copies of any misted card in my studio: the first one, that is covered in mist to compensate for an errant spritz and a second more conservative one that I share.

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