
Hello dearies!
How are you? No really. How ARE you? Have you been having a busy summer like me? No doubt. It seemed like things were pretty slow and lazy there at first and then, POW! It got busy and I haven’t had any time for
We’ve been berry picking, swimming, spending time with friends, doing outside work, going to baseball games, having family reunions and parties. And that’s all aside from the normal housework, appointments and other responsibilities. All good and fun, but it makes the summer go by so fast, doesn’t it?

Did you see the Paper Crafts Connection blog on Tuesday? I had a card featured on it. Here’s the link in case you haven’t seen it. That was a fun surprise!

No, I don’t have anything else paper craft related to share today. I haven’t spent any time at all in my craft space this week and it’s driving me crazy! I have ideas, people! And they need to be implemented before they disappear from my brain never to be remembered again! Ack!! But, unfortunately, it looks like my ideas will have to wait. The rest of this week looks pretty full to me. Maybe next week?

Any of you going to be attending CKC Valley Forge? I plan to be there on Friday and Saturday (29th & 30th, I think). It’s going to be so much fun!

Yesterday the kids and I made Gloop. We used the recipe that I found on this website. It was so much fun and kept the kids occupied for a very long time. It’s a great boredom buster, is really easy and quick to make, and would be great as a rainy day activity.

We made blue because isn’t blue nearly always a good choice? Kids love blue. Blue ice pops. Blue lollypops. Blue Gloop.

It’s a solid and a liquid at the same time! This would also make a great science experiment, for those of you who are cool that way. I’m not, so we didn’t get into the scientific nature of it at all. We just exclaimed over how cool it was that when you mix this and that you get this funky stuff.

And then it started getting gross! not the gloop, that was gross to begin with, but the play began to get a little gross. I have pre-adolescent boys, you know.

And it was hilarious! And I had to wonder if this is the same stuff they sell in the little containers that when you smoosh it in it mimics the sound of flatulence. I think it’s called Flarp. So I tried it with a tiny plastic cup, and yup, it’s pretty much the same stuff. And I laughed along with the kids because I hang around my pre-adolescent boys too much. But Eric tried hard to remain stoic. Although there was a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He can’t fool me.

But anyway, if you’re up for some fun you may want to try this. My kids loved it!

Hopefully I will have some crafty projects to share with you soon. I just wanted to pop in and say hello and I miss getting to post more often. But we’re having a great summer. i hope you are too!


4 thoughts on “Randomness

  1. Shoshonee says:

    I’ll be in Valley Forge at CKC as well. I can’t wait for it! As for the blue goop you made it looks really fun to play with. I may have to whip some up for my friends kids 🙂

  2. Diane says:

    Congrats! I liked your card. The blue Gloop looks like so much fun. I might make some and take it to work. I work with guys in their forties and they haven’t outgrown the “flatulance fun”.

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